Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday and Friday Workout

Okay...I've been really bad about posting my workouts...

Thursday, I walked with my friend and cousin Lindsie. We froze our cheeks off (both of them!) yesterday walking around the resevoir. We walked 2 miles and I brought Duke the dog too.

This morning...was the first offical day of spring...and it was even colder today. So we decided to walk again around the resevoir for 2 miles. I'm still really cold...but feel good.

I'm now stripping beds and washing the linens...getting ready for guests this weekend. That's more calories burned!

I hope to get a round of yoga in today...fingers crossed.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday - Goal Set Time!

Okay...Sunday almost 10:30pm...must set goals for the week!

Here's my schedule of events.... to school...clean house for scout committee meeting at my house....lots of stair climbing!..pick up kids....homework....dinner....MEETING! to Janey's kids...then watch neighbor's kids....pick up for dinner....Hunter to Karate.. to school...clean up house, again! out....pick up meetings....fall into bed exhausted because I'm staying up late to watch my shows I missed! to school....finish shopping...pick up kids...homework...dinner...scout meeting....karate/gymnasitcs.... to school....clean up house for possible overnight guests....bake bread...pick up kids from time!... of scout training for me ALL DAY!! get to play with their dad all day...come home to clean up house after their playing.... for dinner....

That's my week. I'm hoping to schedule a walk in everyday too.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Okay..I walked a mile yesterday and today. Which is really good considering I have been sick since Tuesday night. The upside to being unwell....LACK OF APPETITE!...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday 3/9/09

Today's workout....I worked on prepping for my cub scout meeting. I WALKED all over the yard placing scavenger clues for compass orienteering. Doesn't that sound like fun! Okay...I did the course 3 times..and maybe walked about 3 minutes total.

I did eat more healthy today...only 2 pieces of chocolate entered my mouth.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday's Workout 3/6 was tough...I was sore and suffered from a horrible headache and just did nothing! I even ate a piece of chocolate...okay...I ate 5 pieces.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday Evening

I did nothing to exercise tonight. I even ate a mint oreo blizzard. shame on me!

Thursday 3/5/09 Morning Entry

I did really good on my food intake yesterday. (and I ate only 1 small piece of chocolate! Yes, I know...that's a miracle for me!) was my goal to not eat anything after 7pm...however the crackers and pepper jack cheese were calling my name late last night breaking my resolve. I'm starting over today!

I think I need some new workout clothing...because my flabby underarms chaffed! It is horrible...and my skin smells like desitin. So I modified my workout this morning. I did a slow 10 minutes walk on the treadmill (trying not to move my arms!)..and then did 30 mintues of squats, sit-ups and lunges with light weights.

I plan on walking more today on the treadmill and do my usual running around town.

What about you?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday Workout

Okay...this morning...I was determined to start my day off right!

I drank a full glass of water and took a multi-vitamin. Got my kids ready for school and even had time for morning scripture study! I drove the kids to school with the sun shinning! That got me energized...

Today's morning work out consisted of that same video I tried yesterday. This time, I did 12 minutes before it kicked my butt! So I did a 30 minute cardio program on the treadmill while pressing 3 lb weights.

I finished off my treadmill work out with 3 reps of crunches and yoga style stretches.

It is my hopes that I will add another work-out after lunch before the kids get home. I plan to do 3, 12-count reps of lunges and squats with my weights followed by 5 trips up and down my steep stairs.

What are you going to do today? it here and commit!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday's Workout has been a rough morning. I woke up feeling extremely tired. So to jump start my morning...I ate a small pancake with blueberries and a glass of juice. I took the kids to school and needed a chocolate fix. I couldn't find any! So I ripped open a bag of chocolate chips and ate a handful.

I was still feeling I watched a bit of news...yuck!...I need to work out...but I'm so tired....maybe exercising will put a little zip in my step.

I pop in a video and did 10 minutes of cardio....the workout was HARD! I broke a sweat right to cool down I watched the remainder 30 minutes.

Now I'm blogging and watching food tv while eating leftovers for lunch. Hopefully I can shake this tired feeling...and get a little more exercise in. Perhaps I'll workout by working on the laundry.

Post what you did today for a workout.