Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday 3/5/09 Morning Entry

I did really good on my food intake yesterday. (and I ate only 1 small piece of chocolate! Yes, I know...that's a miracle for me!) was my goal to not eat anything after 7pm...however the crackers and pepper jack cheese were calling my name late last night breaking my resolve. I'm starting over today!

I think I need some new workout clothing...because my flabby underarms chaffed! It is horrible...and my skin smells like desitin. So I modified my workout this morning. I did a slow 10 minutes walk on the treadmill (trying not to move my arms!)..and then did 30 mintues of squats, sit-ups and lunges with light weights.

I plan on walking more today on the treadmill and do my usual running around town.

What about you?

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